01922 743003

Get Winter Strong: why having a flu vaccination matters

Despite the recent hot and sunny weather, winter is coming, and with it comes an increased risk of catching flu.  Flu can leave many of us feeling dreadful and laid up in bed for days, but for certain groups, the effects can be more severe or even...

Should we be worried about the new COVID-19 variant?

We’ve been receiving a lot of questions about the BA.2.86 COVID variant, as people would like to know how it compares to other variants and what the implications might be for public health. It is important to note that to date only a small number of cases have been...

Syphilis: get tested, get treated

“You don’t really hear much about syphilis these days, very much the MySpace of STDs [sexually transmitted diseases]” is a line from Tom Wambsgans, a character in HBO’s hit show ‘Succession’. Unfortunately, the latest data on syphilis shows otherwise. Infectious...

Using the power of data to build the UK’s health security  

Data is now the driving force of the world’s modern economies, fuelling innovation and progress. Data is equally essential to health security, underpinning our ability to prepare for, prevent and respond to health threats so we can save lives and protect livelihoods....

A parent’s guide to keeping kids healthy this school year

As the new school year begins, children, teenagers and their parents prepare for new schedules, homework, friends, and activities. But the autumn also brings common illnesses that can keep children and teenagers away from their classmates and studies. This blog post...